Motion Studies


I love trying to slide motion in to my work whenever it makes sense. This is an example of some work we did at Trunk Club to try and create a welcoming message for new users. This work was illustrated by Jimmy Yoon and we both collaborated on the code prototype.

First Trunk Animation


Project Inertia


Project Inertia was an internal project I helped kick start while working at Tectonic. Every week we would draw a verb to animate into a looping square GIF. The idea started as a way for everyone to practice using After Effects that wouldn’t take too much time away from work. I think the end results ended up being really interesting and mesmerizing to look at. 

You can view the full blog here.

Here are some of my contributions.










While working on Trunk Scheduling, I found myself prototyping out some more complex date-picker ideas. I thought it would be interesting to have the dates move in a long vertical scroll. The trickiest part was keeping the month in view on the left.

Date-Picker Concept